
Showing posts from February, 2023


 This week in class we learned about the foundations of Facebook, we also outlined Facebook's marketing strategies to attract more users and keep the engagement of those who have used the app before. Facebook is a unique app which allows individuals to express themselves but to go even further it allows companies to advertise their product or services. Facebook has many cool features such as the marketplace, Facebook Messenger allows people communicate through text, walls pace, timelines which allow followers to see post throughout time. I've seen many Facebook editing tools and event planners. The key takeaway I learned from this chapter is marketing with Facebook. I learned social media isn't only for networking, but it can be used as a valuable sales channel. Facebook does an incredible job of allowing businesses to reach target audiences and inspiring them to take action. Facebook is credible with being considered the best social media platform used today. Facebook'

Golf with me

 This past Monday was a day I will never forget and here's why! This past Monday my friends and I decided it was in our best interest to take advantage of the beautiful weather in the winter. Monday was around 55 degrees and there was not a cloud in the sky. My buddy Jevin is on the golf team here at Ohio Northern and loves to take advantage of the opportunity to go out and golf nine holes. Before we made our descent to Colonial Golf Course, we had the amazing idea of playing a two vs. one best ball scramble. This was a horrible idea! AJ and I are not even close enough to compete with Jevin, let alone play against him. Once we got to Colonial me and AJ were ready to beat Jevin, we had been smack talking him before we got there just to try and get in his head. Safe to say it didn't work at all, Jevin went on a one-man golf adventure, birding hole after hole. AJ and I were getting extremely nervous, we aren't the best golfers but we are the worst, but on Monday It was safe to

Social Media Advertising strategy

 This week in class we learned the steps needed to make a strong social media advertising strategy. The purpose of this chapter is to know companies must have a proper social media advertising strategy to ensure they effectively target the right costumers, use of the right content, deploy the right ad type, and spend the right amount of money they are budgeted.       In chapter three the author lays out the following steps to creating a social media advertising strategy. The criteria for following this strategy is to select goals, select the target market, select platforms, select a budget, select the ad format, consider the ad funnel, and finally develop the content needed.  Markets are turning to digital and social media advertising over traditional advertising such as print, television and radio. We see this rise in technological advancements which makes the process of getting things out to the media so effective and so easy.  What I took away from this chapter is, in order to be a


This past week in class we learned the importance of how social media can impact ongoing trends, also  creating our own podcast interviewing an employee with a background in social media.  Finding someone suitable with a background in social media was something I thought was going to a be struggle but then I remembered that my sister Kirstin Adams who works for KPMGs recruiting firm has a firm background in social media. She majored in business administration and minored in social media at Indiana University. Today Kirstin works on social media projects for KPMG to get their name out to individuals looking for a job within the "big five". Kirstin also helps organize projects within the firm for her boss which include trends and environmental projects.   Social media is going to be very impactful in the near future, and the real question is? Are humans going to be ready for change. I believe change in social media will lead to more time spent on phones and less time with actua

Super Bowl Sunday

 This past Sunday was considered by me the best Superbowl ever and here's why.  Starting with the pre - game, me and my buddies got together to watch the super bowl in my room Like the degenerates we are of course we had to put money into this game. My family is from Kansas City, and we absolutely love the Chiefs. Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce are beloved by my family, we don't know them but we sure act like that when they are playing. Before the game started, I put my money on the chiefs and prayed as hard as I could that they would pull through and win me some cash, oh and also a Superbowl! Jalen Hurts, who is the Eagles quarterback came out hot! throwing dimes left and right and right before I knew it the eagles scored the first touchdown of the game. I thought to myself "never count out the chiefs" and believe it or not I was right. The chiefs soon came down the field and scored right away within four to five plays. My hands were sweaty though knowing this was

Intramural Basketball

 This week has already been filled with adventures and it's only Tuesday! Yesterday was the start of my professional intramural basketball career. Having basketball experience throughout high school for all four years, and continuing into college has put me one ahead of my competition. Now, in all seriousness Intramural isn't very competitive, some games are some games aren't, I realized that its solely based on if others want to try hard or don't care about the outcome. Being an incredibly competitive player myself, I always want to win no matter the game or setting. I came into the first game on fire! I was ready to play. I was hitting threes on threes, making layups too... I truly felt Like Lebron James the way I came out to start the game. Keep in mind we play 40-minute games with running clocks, which means the clock doesn't stop during the game at all unless it's half time. I would say I had at least 30 points and 10 rebounds, to be looked at as a good bas

Another Day Another Dollar

    This week in class, we discussed the process of building a blog and how to express who you are through your writing. I find this to make sense in many ways and here's why... I learned when writing a blog post, you need to strategize around your target audience. People want to see what's going on in others' lives, including the good and the bad. In this course, we discussed how to target and engage with our desired audiences. I took a course in high school called "Social Media and how it Influences." What I took from both courses is how blogs are a good way for individuals to put themselves out there for the world to see. Writers want their readers to engage and care about what opinions or thoughts they have to share. Influencers use so different forms of social media, including blogging outlooks, to build their media presence.  After learning how to target and engage with our target audiences, we also talked about what blogs should look like and how to catch t