
Baking cakes with Blake

       Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog, I am Blake Jacobs and I would love to introduce myself and what I love to do. I am the youngest of 5 kids, ranging from 33 to 18 which is me. I love to spend time with my family! We go on vacation as a family a lot to Florida because both of my sisters live in different parts of Florida. I also have 3 dogs which are 18, 14, and 5, yes they one is as old as me and you may think how is that possible and the question is I have no idea. One of my biggest hobbies is traveling, I've been to every state in the U.S and would love to start traveling overseas when I graduate college. My favorite state to travel to is definitely Arizona just because of the beautiful scenery and also the hiking trails in Sedona. I love sports, I used to play football and also basketball in highschool. I  love professional, and college sports in general. Coming into college I was scared because I thought of all of the different ways my college experience could go. I th

My internship this summer

 This summer I have A huge job internship opportunity presented to me! This summer I will be working with a company called Braxton Creek which manufactures recreational Vehicles. This so called company is also owned by my very own father who has been successful in the RV world. This company presents such a huge opportunity because of the work of duty I will be doing day to day. This internship will consist of traveling around the country with sales men to see how to sell product and to learn the key concepts of being a true salesman! This isn't all... I will be working on the social media side of the company as well. Brand and image, I will be making videos, flyers, newsletters etc. I believe this is a huge opportunity, because I want to become a world wide entrepreneur and to have these skills of promotion and sales will be huge in order to be successful in the business world! I am very pumped for this summer and what this internship has in store for me! With this being said I am

The Rooster!

 This past week Ohio Northern acquired a new guest on campus...  The Rooster ONU has gained is annoying! Whoever put the rooster on campus need's to do us a favor and take it back off campus grounds. This black rooster has been all over the place, from inside the Delts house to almost inside of the performing arts center, and he has managed to find his way around campus pretty well. Now let me tell you why this rooster is annoying... During my principles of social media final he was at full blast! Making it hard to take the final I was ready to get rid of this rooster! At first I liked the change of scenery with a  rooster on campus but now it makes me feel entitled to get rid of him for intruding on final! Now a alternative, what if we built him a little rooster house on campus? Maybe got him a friend? so now we could have a rooster family on campus! When thinking further upon this idea I think to myself what's the point? Ur right there is no point but it could be a really fun

Ready for the summer!

 When entering college, I never thought how relieved I would be knowing summer is right around the corner. Finishing the rest of the semester knowing there are only three weeks of school is hard to wrap my head around. I am honestly looking forward to studying for finals with the hopes I do well and get out on time. This semester has definitely been my hardest because of the extreme amount of credit hours I have been taking. Is it worth it? Yes, it is, working towards my goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur, comes with he knowledge to do so. Ohio Northern has pushed me forward tremendously in hopes of learning everything about my major! With summer around the corner, I have a lot of big plans ahead of me. For the first half of summer, I will be living in Miami Florida living with my mentor who is currently working for Bloomburg which is a huge software company who day trades, works on financial trends etc. This is a huge opportunity for me to learn the big league things and also

Social media simtership

Over the course of this semester Our principles of social media class has been working on the social media simternship. This is a simulation which teaches us students how to write targeted social media ads, perform demographic targeting, implement social media content promotion strategies, and scheduling content posts.  I found this project to be very interesting because of the new things I have learned. With being said to me I thought this assignment was hard and time consuming. Now I find a lot of projects to be hard, but I thought this was unique because of how I learned how to perform demographic targeting! Strategizing and using my money wisely was hard, you look at the money generated and think "okay I have enough money to do a lot of this simternship round" when realistically you don't. Figuring out the new gadgets and promotion strategies was great for real life world experience, because of the budging schedule I'll be on when working within a marketing group

My shoes Collection

 Growing up as a kid I always wanted to be the kid who had the best variety of shoes, nowadays I can firmly say my shoe collection is nice. Yesterday, a couple of my buddies and I decided to go look at shoes at the Lima mall in Ohio. Now I didn't know there was a mall in lima and I'm always over there because I love Panda Express. Now when they told me there was a mall I didn't think there was going to actually be anything in the mall, simply because I've never seen or heard of the mall there. Once we got to the mall I was blown away, there was one of the most beautiful sneaker stores in there.  I was in disbelief, every pair of Jordan, and Nike Dunks they had them. It was my time to shine, I had to purchase what I thought was the most beautiful pair of orange and green dunks I have ever seen in my life. The shoes I got was a steal! They were hiding in the used section but had never once been touched, and of course they were my size! After my purchase I was so happy but

Social Delimma

This week in Principles of social media we binge watched the movie "The Social Dilemma." I found this movie to be very woke and interesting and here is why... This film features interviews with former employees from todays largest social media platforms. Many of whom were key successors to the early development of these companies. In the documentary, they talk about the many different ways in which social media controls and manipulates us. One of the key takeaways from this documentary talks about our attention is the product, meaning many companies succeed by capturing our as much of our time and attention as they can. When these big companies catch our attention they sell our attention to the highest bidders. I believe this to be true because I will get on my phone and start scrolling through social media platforms and forget why I even got on my phone in the first place.  The second key takeaway I got from this documentary is the addiction built into the design of social n

How does YouTube work?

 This past week in Principles of social media we learned the functions of YouTube... This past week we learned the key functions when it comes to working and running a successful YouTube page. In order to create a YouTube channel Stukent provides steps to creating the best suitable channel for you. When creating make sure to include essential information about the company on the channel. Include welcome messages, also a mission statement of why, where, and who. Include up to six links to a company website of social media platform with information pertaining to the product or service. Also, brands can also highlight additional channels from their own brand or other brands on the right-hand side of the about sections.  I think the future for YouTube is incredibly bright, due to the influence of impacting YouTubers such as Mr. Beast, Adin Ross, Nelk Boys, Danny Duncan and many others. With over 2.5 Billion users, YouTube currently dominates video marketing, and Influences how people engag