My internship this summer

 This summer I have A huge job internship opportunity presented to me!

This summer I will be working with a company called Braxton Creek which manufactures recreational Vehicles. This so called company is also owned by my very own father who has been successful in the RV world. This company presents such a huge opportunity because of the work of duty I will be doing day to day. This internship will consist of traveling around the country with sales men to see how to sell product and to learn the key concepts of being a true salesman! This isn't all... I will be working on the social media side of the company as well. Brand and image, I will be making videos, flyers, newsletters etc. I believe this is a huge opportunity, because I want to become a world wide entrepreneur and to have these skills of promotion and sales will be huge in order to be successful in the business world! I am very pumped for this summer and what this internship has in store for me! With this being said I am very thankful for these opportunities to progress in the real world as a nineteen year old. The people I meet along this journey may be the people I do business with for the rest of my career! I don't necessary know if marketing will end up the route I will be taking in the long run, but the skills included within marketing will go hand and hand for the rest of my career! If I were to pick a minor up it will be international sales or business management, which are both very good in today's world of global business!


  1. Hi! you are going to have a wonderful experience!! I am proud of your passion and action! It's so good opportunity to join an internship as of 19! Good luck!

  2. Congratulations! Make the most of it! Gonna miss you! Have fun at UC!


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