
Showing posts from April, 2023

My shoes Collection

 Growing up as a kid I always wanted to be the kid who had the best variety of shoes, nowadays I can firmly say my shoe collection is nice. Yesterday, a couple of my buddies and I decided to go look at shoes at the Lima mall in Ohio. Now I didn't know there was a mall in lima and I'm always over there because I love Panda Express. Now when they told me there was a mall I didn't think there was going to actually be anything in the mall, simply because I've never seen or heard of the mall there. Once we got to the mall I was blown away, there was one of the most beautiful sneaker stores in there.  I was in disbelief, every pair of Jordan, and Nike Dunks they had them. It was my time to shine, I had to purchase what I thought was the most beautiful pair of orange and green dunks I have ever seen in my life. The shoes I got was a steal! They were hiding in the used section but had never once been touched, and of course they were my size! After my purchase I was so happy but

Social Delimma

This week in Principles of social media we binge watched the movie "The Social Dilemma." I found this movie to be very woke and interesting and here is why... This film features interviews with former employees from todays largest social media platforms. Many of whom were key successors to the early development of these companies. In the documentary, they talk about the many different ways in which social media controls and manipulates us. One of the key takeaways from this documentary talks about our attention is the product, meaning many companies succeed by capturing our as much of our time and attention as they can. When these big companies catch our attention they sell our attention to the highest bidders. I believe this to be true because I will get on my phone and start scrolling through social media platforms and forget why I even got on my phone in the first place.  The second key takeaway I got from this documentary is the addiction built into the design of social n

How does YouTube work?

 This past week in Principles of social media we learned the functions of YouTube... This past week we learned the key functions when it comes to working and running a successful YouTube page. In order to create a YouTube channel Stukent provides steps to creating the best suitable channel for you. When creating make sure to include essential information about the company on the channel. Include welcome messages, also a mission statement of why, where, and who. Include up to six links to a company website of social media platform with information pertaining to the product or service. Also, brands can also highlight additional channels from their own brand or other brands on the right-hand side of the about sections.  I think the future for YouTube is incredibly bright, due to the influence of impacting YouTubers such as Mr. Beast, Adin Ross, Nelk Boys, Danny Duncan and many others. With over 2.5 Billion users, YouTube currently dominates video marketing, and Influences how people engag

My weekend In cincinatti

 This past weekend was an adventure and here's why... This past weekend I wanted to go visit some of my friends who live in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. Now having very little to no experience with this city made this trip incredibly interesting. When driving down I noticed how big this place was! Being from a small town and going to a big city changed my perspective on things. For instance, driving through the city is awful, the mass amounts of people in every restaurant was terrible and to top it all off, I had the worst time of my life trying to park. Now I better get ready for this because next year I will be attending the University of Cincinnati! But I know my way around campus and I will have parking at my apartment which is a blessing.  Now Once I got through the rush hour traffic, plus the people within the city I finally made it to my destination. My friends were ecstatic to see me! These friends went way back to middle school and I really haven't had the time to go

Using Pinterst

 This week in Principles of social media we a struggle for me and here's why... This week in class Dr. Aggie gave us an assignment over Pinterest, now this was a struggle for me because I've never once used this platform. The project consisted of creating a pin board over social media measurement and then talking about how it applies to our textbook. Not knowing the platform at all was the biggest struggle for me because I didn't know how to create anything or even save anything to my pins. After doing intense research on the internet I came to the conclusion this was not going to be hard. Pinterest is a very amusing platform because you can see things you want to see and you can also save them. When on Pinterest I came across some things which caught my eye. When using the app, it becomes very easy to save and also add to your board. I was very intrigued by this assignment because it forced me to expand my horizons and explore a new platform which I've never used befor

My dads Birthday

 This past weekend was a celebration not for me but for my dad! Last Friday I went home to surprise my parents, living almost three hours away can sometimes make it hard to go home and see family. Last week my parents flew out to Florida to look at houses to move to, they didn't arrive back home until late Saturday. The best part was the look on their faces when I was the one who got them from the airport. My dad couldn't believe it, he was so happy to see me on his day!  There's nothing like surprising loved ones, especially if you haven't seen them in forever! Saturday night my family and I went out to our favorite restaurant which is called "salsas" this place has the best food you could ask for. When at salsas of course I had to tell the workers it was my dad's birthday, I told them because every time it's some ones birthday they bring out a whole band just to sing happy birthday to the person. When they came out my dad started dying laughing, he k

My Easter Sunday

 This upcoming weekend is very special to my family and here's why! Easter weekend has always been my family's favorite holiday because it's a celebration of faith and religion! My family loves to plan special activities for Easter, such as the easter hunt for the grand kids. My parents absolutely love to see there little reactions, after the hunt we play a bunch of different games as a family. Since I'm the youngest of five kids their is a lot of competitiveness while playing these games! At the end of the day all the kids have one goal and it's to celebrate our faith and have the ability to see the whole family at the same time. Win or lose the games we play we still win because we have each other!  The best part of the day is the Easter dinner, which is unreal every time. My family loves to cook so we make sure the food we have on Easter is on point! We make everything you could possibly imagine, no kidding it feels like Thanksgiving with the amount of food we ma

How to use Pinterest

 This week in class we learned how to use Pinterest and the key functions to running a successful Pinterest account. Pinterest has never really caught my eye until I learned more about the app. Interesting enough, the app makes it very easy for companies to market their brand and image. In the chapter it outlines in today's world brands can capitalize on their popularity just by using Pinterest and here's why. When looking for what you want to see on Pinterest, you come across thousands of other products and ideas which grab your attention, which allows for companies to see what people like and don't like.  Another thing I learned from this chapter is Pinterest allows you to shop while using the app. According to the chapter "shopping on Pinterest is about discovery and action." This to me feels correct, my mom loves Pinterest, I see her on the app all the time, and she will discover something cool such as a product or idea and she will run with it! I've never