My dads Birthday

 This past weekend was a celebration not for me but for my dad!

Last Friday I went home to surprise my parents, living almost three hours away can sometimes make it hard to go home and see family. Last week my parents flew out to Florida to look at houses to move to, they didn't arrive back home until late Saturday. The best part was the look on their faces when I was the one who got them from the airport. My dad couldn't believe it, he was so happy to see me on his day! 

There's nothing like surprising loved ones, especially if you haven't seen them in forever! Saturday night my family and I went out to our favorite restaurant which is called "salsas" this place has the best food you could ask for. When at salsas of course I had to tell the workers it was my dad's birthday, I told them because every time it's some ones birthday they bring out a whole band just to sing happy birthday to the person. When they came out my dad started dying laughing, he knew it was coming the whole time! My dad had one of the best birthdays he could've asked for and I couldn't be anymore happy to see my whole family once again. Being at college can take a mental toll on someone if they don't ever go home. It was refreshing to go home and enjoy my dad's birthday and Easter as well!


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