My weekend In cincinatti

 This past weekend was an adventure and here's why...

This past weekend I wanted to go visit some of my friends who live in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. Now having very little to no experience with this city made this trip incredibly interesting. When driving down I noticed how big this place was! Being from a small town and going to a big city changed my perspective on things. For instance, driving through the city is awful, the mass amounts of people in every restaurant was terrible and to top it all off, I had the worst time of my life trying to park. Now I better get ready for this because next year I will be attending the University of Cincinnati! But I know my way around campus and I will have parking at my apartment which is a blessing. 

Now Once I got through the rush hour traffic, plus the people within the city I finally made it to my destination. My friends were ecstatic to see me! These friends went way back to middle school and I really haven't had the time to go see them due to our schedules. As soon I got settled in, it was time to go out on the city! We went to a couple of bar and grills to watch the NBA games which were amazing! Everyone in the bar was going insane during the whole game. It felt like a hundred people gathered to throw money on these games with the risk of losing it all. This is when I knew the trip was worth it, seeing some of my best friends while out in the city with thousands of others crowding the same places as us was just surreal. I am beyond thankful I got to see what I'll be a part of next year!


  1. Hi Blake! I love traveling and I am so glad you had the chance to see a new city. I have never explored the city of Cincinatti but I would love to do so sometime. However, the traffic is awful when I drive through Cincy to go to other places. You should head to Cleveland if you have not explored there yet!

  2. I am jealous that you went to a big city Cincinnati! I can imagine easily how different from Ada the city is! Hopefully you are going to have a wonderful experience next year next year!

  3. Best of luck to you down in Cincinatti. I don't know a lot about the city but one thing I am sure of is the amount of people and traffic like you mentioned. Hope all goes well.

  4. I am so happy you chose to come down to visit me in Cincinnati. Closing those bar and grills after the big game was electric! I cannot wait to see you down here again soon.


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