How to Strategize with Twitter

    This week's chapter outlines the importance of strategizing with a big social media platform like Twitter. With this being said there are many aspects within the social media platforms which can allow for businesses to thrive and push product and services out to the world. With social media platforms such as Twitter pushing out new media everyday this allows for startups to make profit, and sales. When I'm on Twitter I am always looking for the next and upcoming item or product. following sites allows for me to see everything as it is coming out to mainstream. 

    During COVID online shopping changed the retail game completely, during quarantine many individuals pushed towards online shopping. Social media platforms started pushing product out with their very own marketplaces or even big name companies tweeting out the latest product or invention created. This allowed for humans to have products directly shipped to their doors, making online shopping so much easier.

    There are many tools within twitter which allow for us social media users to customize and also promote engagement through our profiles. If someone were to master these tools and skills with twitter they can increase a huge following very quick. I've followed many influencers which have gained a huge audience just because of tweeting at the rights times and also engaging with the right audiences who want to hear what the person has to say.


  1. I also have found what you've said about influencers who tweet at just the right time and it blows up. Really goes to show just how fast-acting this platform is, and using that property as a catalyst for marketing is 100% a MUST!


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